Saturday, April 9, 2016

Проект Souvenir - Epitaph - and - Timeless

Ова се три песни на кои работев пред неколку месеци
Песните беа наменети за руски бенд, но на гитаристот не му се допаднаа
Имаше муабети дека друг дечко ќе ги собере за во неговиот проект...


When I was to walk the first steps
toward everything that was to be reached,
to be felt,
so many thoughts
so many feelings
stirred in my soul, in my chest

At the threshold
at the beginning of my life
my eyes gazed upon her beauty
for the first time
I was overcome
I was confused
in the depths of
never-ending love
In this game that is called life

Oh, creature of never seen beauty,
Oh, never captured being
Your eyes are web
In which I am helplessly lost
Towards you I stretch
my hands!

But, you young lad,
you dare so free
but I am old
thousands autumns
and springs I’ve seen
My fingers are cold
and your hearts I reap
you, young lad
take back your steps now
thou are making so free

Danger, I do not see
nor fear, my pumping heart knows
If your cold fingers
cut it to shreds
I care not
Your gaze, I can’t take away
Thy blessing, I eternally seek

But,  you young lad
are not able to survive
the storms I bring
nor you can stand
the desserts after
my blessing that hits!

Young lad, you are so naïve
make step back
that’s all to be done,
don’t risk!

To you, my sword I pledge
for you, my heart will beat
With honor and respect
the path is to be
and at the very end
won’t you come to me?

My word, now I give
your body will wither
soul will get old
Keep me in mind always
keep me in prayers
and my word, now I give
when time comes
when in the field you fall
you will shine beside me
in the eternal sky

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